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King’s Raid is by far, hands down, the best “adventure”game app that the Apple store provides! From the community to the amazing visuals. KR will be my go to mobile game! My friends recommended it to me because you can idly play the game yet still actively grind the game if that makes sense. The function of the automatic skill usage is amazing and the 1.5 speed is helpful too! The developers are generous with the real dollar currencies every time there is an update or maintenance. They update King’s Raid at least once a month and they care of their gamers too! We asked for more end game content, they provide end game content! The gaming community is amazing and nice! I didn’t play KR for a couple of months and when I came back I wondered why I didn’t play it. It takes rubies (real money currency) to buy cosmetics and new characters. However, I didn’t spend a single dollar on rubies because you can grind for the rubies! The game can be pay 2 win but you can grind your way up there in a timely manner and that’s what makes it fun! You can achieve so much in this game! I highly recommend this game!
▶ Strategy-based real-time battle by utilizing Skill compositions!
I love this game! It is such a blast and has a variety of things to do so I don’t get sick of it. I love the storyline, pvp, the champions, the stockade, the arena. I only have a couple complaints about the game. I don’t appreciate that the community is toxic at times. I wish there was more ways to achieve rubies because without rubies it takes so much time to go through everything in order to get more champions. I think the skins should cost more than the champions instead of the other way around because then if players really want skins and have money to spare they can buy skins for their champs. Right now it is where you almost have to have money to spare in order to get champions. I would also suggest providing an option to test out champions so then players don’t save all their rubies and purchase a champ only to not like that style of champion. I also would suggest having a section in your guide explaining possible builds for champions so that new players can get a feel for building their champions instead of having to go to the chat. In the chat these new players are being ridiculed by other players for being a noob and not getting any questions answered. Again I love the game. This is my second time downloading it. I played it before but decided to delete it because of the toxic players and felling like I couldn’t progress without spending cash.
Simple Basic Gamer